PLN which stands for "Personal Learning Network" is a collection of resources that help teachers in their career. The PLN allows individuals to share information and engage with one another. In using the PLN helps new teachers build a network of information on classroom ideas and educational matters. Some of the PLN tools that I have used are Twitter, Diggo, and The Educators PL. In using these tools has helped me chat with more experienced educators on matters like using technology in a special needs classroom. With these three tools alone I am unlimited with ideas on using technology for this up coming year.

One of the first PLN's I used was Twitter an online social network. By communicating through a text based message system allows one to share and discuss common interests. By using Twitter I was allowed to follow other professional educators who I felt could expand my PLN. I chose to fallow @edutopia to find what works in classrooms; @wereteachers for it will give me support on all types of social networks, @educationweek to find primary sources on America's education, @lapetiteacademy due to them focusing on early education, and @forteachersonly to receive teaching tips. In addition I also used Twitter to engage in a live chat, #cistudy on the topic of "Back to School." The chat was held on Sunday August 5 at 5pm. Having never took part in a Twitter chat i had a hard time keeping up. I found myself confused as to who was taking to whom and what they were talking about. Though i may have looked as if I took no part in this chat, I was fully engaged in trying to understand and absorb all the information presented. I am hoping to take part in another chat #ntchat this week, praying it will be easier to fallow and understand.

Another PLN I used was Diigo. Diggo is a social bookmarking tool that allows the user to not only bookmark but highlight text, add personal comments, and included tags. With using tags allowed me to organize and share my bookmarks with other Diigo users. I chose to fallow five Diigo users; Tom Whitby, Tim Lauer, Nikki Robertosn, Tim Heck, and Susan Glassett. Choosing Principles, teachers and the founder of PLN I feel they will be a great assets in launching my teaching career. I also chose to tag handful of educational blogs; Teacher Challenge Blog, We are Teachers Blog and Michelle Special Education Blog. Tagging them with PLN helped me in jump starting my PLN.

Last is "The Educator's PLN" a digital discussion forum I used in my PLN. Being a online form allows educators to share resources and network. In using this form I came across a blog called "Wordle - Creating Word Clouds." In reading this blog I learned how to make a word cloud. It shared with me that Word Cloud allows me to change the color, font, layout and choice of language. Allowing me to receive the html I can embed my Word Cloud in a website or blog. With learn this great tool shows me just how amazing and useful "The Educator's PLN" in helping me become a great teacher.